Churning out designs since 2004


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I create advertising that has clever, engaging and clear messages. Messages that can be spread out across all platforms with intelligent strategies behind them.
Advertising plays a key factor in spreading the message about your brand, service or product. It comes in many mediums such as fliers, postcards, commercials, billboard prints, magazine adverts and online promotions. Advertising can be used for as little as promoting an upcoming event all the way through to a carefully planned campaign with an intricate strategy driving it. Advertising will bring you new business and maintain the confidence of your existing following.


This is the complex part of your business. Branding is where you communicate to your audience who and what you are and how you differentiate from your competitors. It is the message you are giving to your audience that says ‘we can give you what you need’.
A logo and a slogan may play a big part in branding however it’s how you integrate it into you website, promotional material and packaging that really communicates the message to your audience. Strong branding should have consistency throughout and strategic ideas that put you ahead of the rest. Defining your brand is a journey. A journey where you learn goals of your company, the benefits and features of your products or services and learn the needs and wants of your current and future customers.


After spending many hours developing a name for your business the next important step is creating the simple and memorable design that your audience will recognise you by. Most of us can put together a logo, however, making a successful and easily recognisable logo is only achieved through in-depth research, attention to the finest of details and plenty of design experimentation. I enjoy pushing my ideas as far as they can go until they are at the most simplified state possible whilst still containing the essence of the company, even in plain black and white. It’s understandable that the more simple a logo is the more it will be remembered. It only takes looking at something like the Nike swoosh or the Apple computers logo to see what is meant by that. Less is more!


One important reason to consider merchandising is how it allows you to stand out from the competition. In the market place your brand and reputation are the most important assets you have. With this in mind it’s obvious that the more exposure you have, the greater the chance you have increasing in both awareness and customer loyalty. An audience likes to be reminded that the brand they have chosen to follow has a widely followed reputation. It’s a confirmation that you have made the right choice. Many sales are created on very little logic / fact based decisions and mostly on emotional ties to the brand.


I enjoy creating designs that reflect the whole personality of a product and the brand associated with it. Exploring ideas to create that perfect balance of alluring graphics along with quality materials all the way through to the dynamic shape and the protection it provides for the product.
It’s a known fact that a high percentage of sales are made by how a product is presented to us. Packaging can even push us to buy products we wouldn’t normally consider affordable, so it’s clear that customers are drawn to products that look good. Of course the brand logo plays a big part in this game of attraction, but it is the visually appealing, clever and simple packaging which fills us with confidence when choosing a product. It is this emotional connection that ensures sales. Even basic elements such as fonts and colours help customers return to a product just through association with the brand. Bring authenticity to your packaging and your customers will choose your product time and time again.


“Isn’t print dead?” I hear you say. This statement is actually a false belief. Although online content may be faster, cheaper and potentially gain higher exposure, print material has many advantages over online content. The most obvious one being you can feel it, hold it, keep it forever (if you like). Print advertising will grace the pages of magazines and leaflets ready for anyone to see, never to be lost in digital space. Print has the sense of being legitimate, there’s no fear of clicking it and infecting your life with spam or viruses. In branding, print gives strength to your brands identity through consistency. The use of the colours, fonts and imagery all play a part in maintaining brand recognition. Marketing uses print media in way to make sure that the material is being placed in front of the right target audience. There’s a reason when you look in your favourite magazines that the products and services advertised catch your eye. There is also more chance that you will take the time to look over printed material in comparison to seeing it online where people generally skim through content.



The comments below are from just a small handful of clients I have had the pleasure of working with over the years.



I welcome you to contact me for more information about any of my services.


Stoke Newington, London N16


+44 (0) 7801 239 940
